CADSTI-New England’s October Newsletter features five SPISE Caribbean students for whom that organization arranged summer science and engineering internships over the past summer. SPISE (Student Program for Innovation in Science and Engineering) is an intensive 4 week residential program for high school students in the STEM disciplines. SPISE is offered each summer in Barbados by the Caribbean Science Foundation. More information about SPISE can be found here. The five students are past graduates of SPISE and some are now enrolled in universities in the US and the Caribbean. The companies that hosted the interns are also highlighted in the Newsletter. CADSTI-NE is seeking additional companies that are willing to host Caribbean interns.
The link below provides the full text of the Newsletter:
CADSTI-NE has a vibrant membership and its leadership team meets via Webex almost every Sunday at 9:00 am to plan the activities of the organization. The Website of CADSTI-NE is If you are interested in making a contribution of any kind, please contact its President, Dr. Dinah Sah at