The CSF has been invited to participate in one of the ERANET-LAC selected projects in the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) thematic area. The project named ITCityconcerns the applications of ICT to Energy for Smart Cities. The participating countries in this project are Latvia, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Romania and Turkey. Because of the origin of the funds for this project, only Barbados companies are eligible.
For-profit, start-up and small companies (less than 25 employees) only are eligible to apply for this grant. The total amount of funding available from the CSF for this project is €20,000, and one grant award will be made. The proposal page count is limited to 4 pages. The application deadline is 11:59 pm November 6, 2016. Please visit The CSF ERANET-LAC Page for more details and to download proposal template.
More general information about the ERANET-LAC project can be found at