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CSF Caribbean STEM Olympiads Application

SECTION III – Robotics Showcase Application

In the 2023 Robotics Showcase individuals and teams will showcase their best robot designs to the public. All teams will need to submit a description of the robot, what it does, the status of completion of the robot at the time of submission (15 December 2022 deadline) and a cost list of the key and major parts/components used in the robot. Entries without the parts/components list will not be accepted.

Applicants must submit links to short video clips of their robot in operation before the deadline. The CSF robotics committee will evaluate the submitted materials and notify the applicant or team by 20th December 2022 if their application is successful. On the day of the Showcase (January 21, 2023) the selected teams will make a PowerPoint presentation that describes their robot, challenges encountered, and demonstrate to the public the workings of their robot with their latest video.

Submission Details

To proceed, first select the country/version and then the Level to which you or your team are applying:*

Level I robots must be built entirely from kits and the total cost of the parts must be less than US$ 300 (based on vendor catalog price for new parts)

Level II robots will not be allowed to have more than 50% of the components built from kits, and the total cost of all purchased parts f(rom kits and otherwise) must be less than US$ 500 (based on vendor catalog price for new parts).

Level III robots are not allowed to be built from kits, and the total cost of all purchased parts must be less than US$ 700 (based on vendor catalog prices for new parts).

If you need to come back to this application, click 'Save and Close' to return to your profile page where you can safely log out with all entered information saved.
If you are ready to Submit your application, please click on 'Review' to review your application.