Caribbean Disapora for Science,Technology and Innovation
CADSTI Overview: Diaspora Engagement
The CSF is the project of the Caribbean Disapora for Science,Technology and Innovation (CADSTI). CADSTI is an international body of professionals who have an interest in the development of the Caribbean region. CADSTI recognizes that there is a vast talent pool within the larger Diaspora whose skills go untapped by the Caribbean community.
Structurally, CADSTI is organized as a network of branches in various cities throughout the Diaspora. One of its goals is to facilitate the networking that will bring resources from the Diaspora to the Region for the mutual benefit of all parties.The branches that have been established to date include:
Other branches to be established include: CADSTI-Canada (CADSTI-CA) and CADSTI-New York- New Jersey (CADSTI-NYNJ) and CADSTI-Mid Atlantic Region (CADSTI-MAR).
Mission Statement
The mission of the Caribbean Diaspora for Science, Technology & Innovation (CADSTI) is to facilitate the economic and social development of the Caribbean Region by mining and harnessing the diverse, dispersed and largely untapped talent of the Caribbean Diaspora in the areas of science and engineering. In particular, the CADSTI promotes and supports science-and-engineering research and education in the Caribbean region as a means of advancing public health and catalyzing economic development, understanding, and prosperity. To carry out its mission, the CADSTI pursues the objectives outlined below:
Connect with and catalogue key elements of the Caribbean Diaspora throughout the world.
Identify the most critical needs of the region in collaboration with government and business leaders, national research councils and other experts throughout the region, and establish appropriate working groups to address these needs.
Inform government, business and societal leaders of the results and broader societal implications of world quality research, particularly in areas of regional importance, which may currently be unfunded or funded at a sub-critical level.
Mobilize global financial resources in support of the mission and objectives of the science and technology organizations of the region.
Foster and support the training and development of future leaders through international fellowships, through the interchange of scientific information, and through strategic cooperation between the universities and centers of excellence in the region and those in foreign countries.
Recommend and encourage the pursuit of national policies for the promotion of basic research and education in the sciences, medicine and applied technologies.
Identify and support activities designed to increase the participation of regional innovators and entrepreneurs in science and technology, and to encourage joint venture research, development and commercial spin-offs between Caribbean based colleagues and those in the Diaspora.
Join your local CADSTI Branch
For residents of the six New England states, we invite you to join CADSTI-NE. Membership forms and more information can be found at the CADSTI-NE Website
For residents of the UK, we invite you to join CADSTI-NE. Membership forms and more information can be found at the CADSTI-UK Website
For residents of the Southeast United States, we invite you to join CADSTI-SE. More information can be found here
CADSTI Brochure
For anyone wishing to help us raise awareness of CADSTI and its work, here is the print version of the CADSTI Brochure.
A. CADSTI International Brochure Three-Panel Print Version Dec2015
This three-panel print version is designed for double side printing on letter-size paper followed by two folds to convert it to a hard copy of the brochure. Please feel free to print and distribute as many copies as you need. We thank you for your efforts!
The below screen-friendly version of the CADSTI brochure contains the same information as the above print version, except that the panels are in the normal order.
B. CADSTI International brochure screen-friendly version Dec2015