The 2013 CSF Workshop will be held on December 2 & 3 in Georgetown, Guyana.

Register now for the 2013 CSF Workshop using the Online Registration Form.
Registration by paper can be accomplished by completing the 2013 CSF Workshop Registration Form.
Check out the 2013 CSF Workshop Draft Agenda now.
Find alternative hotels on the Registration pages.

The Caribbean Science Foundation (CSF) is keen to ascertain the scope and nature of the S&T research in the Region. For the Session “S&T Research in the Region” we can accommodate about fifteen to twenty posters showcasing some of the S&T research in the Caribbean.
In order to submit a poster, authors must first submit a one-page summary by Friday October 18, 2013. Summaries and the follow-on posters may cover pure or applied science and technology. Summaries will be evaluated for quality and, if accepted, an invitation to present a poster will be sent to the primary author by Friday October 25, 2013.

Instructions for Submitting Poster Summaries

Summaries (and posters) must adhere to the following content:

    (1) Clearly stated objectives of the research
    (2) Approaches and methodologies used in the research
    (3) Summary of the main results
    (4) Discussion of the short or long-term anticipated societal impact on the Caribbean community

Summaries will be evaluated based on the above four criteria.

    Summaries, including figures and text, must not be longer than one-page with 1-inch margins, and must fit on 8 1/2″ x 11″ letter paper.
    The title of the presentation should be bold in 12-pt font and followed by one return.
    Author list and institutions should be in 10-pt font and followed by one return.
    All text in the body must be typed single-spaced with a 10-pt font, preferably the Calibri font.
    Whenever possible, use the symbol font for Greek and scientific symbols.
    Provide any grant acknowledgments for your research (e,g., NIH-CR-12345) at the end of your summary and on your poster.
    Summaries must be submitted online as both PDF and WORD files by e-mail to
    Summaries received after October 18, 2013 may not be accepted.
    Accepted one-page summaries will be published as received in a booklet to be handed out to the Workshop attendees.
    Submitting a summary does not constitute or guarantee Workshop registration. Authors should register for the Workshop here.
    The primary author may submit only one summary at this meeting.

Poster space is limited. Poster display size is about 1 meter by 1 meter (3.3 feet by 3.3 feet) and oversize posters will not be allowed.

Please plan to attend the Workshop and support the work of the Caribbean Science Foundation.

The 2013 CSF Workshop – December 2 & 3, 2013, Guyana

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