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Sorry! You must be at least age 16 but less than age 18 on April 1, 2021 to be applicable.

SPISE Student Application (Checklist)


Use the checklist below to ensure that your application package is complete. All items except the letters of recommendation and official high school transcript must be submitted via the provided Google folder. Check off each item as you submit it. Please be sure to carefully read the instructions on how to name your documents. Documents with file names such as “scan 0001” could cause your document to be misfiled. Documents with the content upside down will annoy most reviewers. Please make sure your documents are upright and legible. The CSF will not send incomplete application packages to the reviewers.

Four Essays:

Request the following documents to be emailed to applications.csf@gmail.com.

Please submit the following requested documents via the provided Google folder. Do not combine into one file.

Valid file types: pdf, docx, doc, jpg, jpeg, png

Max file size: 3 MB

Remaining items:

  • * Unofficial high school transcript for 4 most recent Forms/Grades (if not in English, please provide translation).
    Submitting your official transcript is a mandatory requirement. However, if at the time of the submission of your application, you do not have an official copy from your school, please upload an unofficial copy (scans of report cards, etc.) to the provided Google folder, and ask your school to email the official copy to applications.csf@gmail.com as soon as it is available.

    i. For the high school transcript: Please format filename as follows: ‘SPISE 20XX – Doe, John – High School Transcript Y’ where Y indicates the transcript number, as you may be submitting more than 1 transcript.

  • * CAPE/Associate Degree 1st semester grades or copy of report card/transcript (if not in English, please provide translation).

    ii. For CAPE/1st term report scores: Please format filename as follows: ‘SPISE 20XX – Doe, John –1st Term Report (CAPE).pdf’

  • * One copy each of CSEC grades (or equivalent exam), CAPE, and/or SAT scores if you took these exams.

    iii. For CSEC/SAT scores: Please format filename as follows: ‘SPISE 20XX – Doe, John – 20XX CSEC Results.pdf’

  • * A passport-type (portrait-style) photograph as a JPG, PNG or pdf file

    iv. Passport-style photo: Please format filename as follows: ‘SPISE 20XX – Doe, John –Photo.jpg’

  • * Proof of Citizenship (Please submit your Passport bio page or National ID Card (both sides))

    v. Proof of citizenship: Please format filename as follows: ‘SPISE 20XX – Doe, John – Proof of citizenship’

  • *Copy of COVID-19 vaccination record

    vi. For COVID-19 vaccination record: Please format the filename as follows: ‘SPISE 20XX – Doe, John – Copy of COVID-19 Vaccination Record’. If you have a medical reason for not being vaccinated, then you will need to upload a letter from your primary physician documenting this, to the Google folder.